What you need:
Boneless chicken, 2 breasts, cut into ~1inch cubes
Pizza crust (your option here, make your own, or buy it from the store... this is one area where we are lazy)
two onions, one diced, one cut into strips
BBQ sauce (again, your option, store bought is just fine here, provided it isn't the sickly sweet stuff)
Monterrey jack cheese
cheddar cheese
chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper, red pepper flake
How you do it:
In a large pan, sweat the diced onion in some olive oil. Cook it just enough to get some of the flavor opening up, then toss in the chicken. Add the spices to taste (the cumin gives it a nice smokey flavor), and let the chicken cook for a few minutes. It's going to cook more in the oven, so don't over do it...
Meanwhile, prep your crust, a cookie sheet works OK, but a pizza stone is even better. If you are using a stone, toss it in the oven while the oven is pre-heating (to 400deg F), that way it will be ready when the oven is. Smear out some BBQ sauce on the crust (again, quantity to taste) and put down a layer of cheese (either one). Now, spread out the chicken on the pizza and the sliced onion (and any other toppings you want, jalapeno would probably go well...) and smother it with another layer of cheese. Bake for about 20-25 minutes and enjoy!
Again, I can vouch for the yumminess of the chicken bbq pizza. I too was skeptical at first, not being a big fan of most bbq sauces, but this is really great. I wish I had some right now in fact...
We made this on Saturday night. It was fantastic. We also made our own barbeque sauce straight out of the Weber Bible.
I'm finishing off the leftovers at lunch today.
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